Because of space constraints, it is difficult to create self explanatory forms in mobile apps. Do you write a label for each field? If yes, the labels will also take half of the space in your form. Hints solve the problem to some extent. If you add a hint for an EditText, when the field is blank, this hint is shown. < EditText android: layout_width = "match_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: id = "@+id/et1" android: hint = "Name" /> So now our hint is shown in Edit Text like this But the moment you start entering value into the field, the hint vanishes. To overcome this problem, support library comes to our rescue. It has a layout called TextInputLayout which places the hint as a floating label. To use this first you need to add two lines to your build.gradle file in yourapplication/app directory. dependencies { compile fileTree ( dir: 'libs...