I have a Samsung galaxy 551. I tried connecting it to the pc. I am supposed to install the driver for it. The installation cd had keis on it. Anyway I tried installing it. It should one or two errors, but completed installing, When I ran this Keis, it is not showing my phone even though I have connected the phone using usb. Nor am I seeing it in "my computers". I tried tethering usb from the phone. The windows usb wizard would say " New device found" and give installation instruction. But it will finally say installation failed as there is no driver samsung android. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling keiss 2-3 times. Now I remembered one of the errors I got during installation of Keiss was "unable to find samsung usb driver for android.exe or something of that type. So I googled for that file and downloaded it from the site http://fr.gsmlibrary.com/Products+Support/Z3X/Samsung+files/Samsung+Box/SAMSUNG_USB_Driver_for_Mobile_Phones.exe.html and insta...